This week Deaflink Hard of Hearing Project is posting a series of Tweets taken from tfeedback from Hearing Loss Support Group members, Tweets include :
"It is one thing to lose your hearing in middle or old age but to be 17 and realise most forms of employment are out of reach to you is devastating" #HOH #deafawarenessweek #hearingloss #hiddendisability
As my hearing worsened hearing people became more dismissive and contemptuous" #hearingloss #deafawarenessweek #hiddendisability #HardOfHearing
"I find any communication difficult and frustrating. People make an effort at first but get bored – I ask many questions but can’t hear the answers, they start ignoring you because it makes conversation too slow " #deafawarenessweek #hearingloss #hiddendisability
"I find it so frustrating when I'm nearly knocked over yet again by a cyclist- I can't hear them no matter how often or loudly they ring their bells!! #DeafAwarenessWeek #hiddendisability #HardofHearing
I miss being able to pick up the phone; yet it is the only option to organise so much – doctors’ appointments, microchipping pets; bank queries; benefits – it’s not possible if you can’t hear! #hearingloss #hiddendisability #deafawareness #exclusion
Yesterday members of Hearing Loss Support Group had a stall at One Strawberry Place.
We let people know about Hard of Hearing Project, Tinnitus Support Group , our BSL work including BSL health Nagivigators, and asked them about how D/deaf people got in touch with their organsiation, charity or business