Board of Trustees

So we set up a governance structure – a Board of Trustees (people who would oversee the management of the organisation); financial systems (what we do with money) and meeting our purpose (why are we doing this work).

photo of chris

Chris Rowlands

picture of Emma

Emma Ashie-Neequaye

phot of heather

Heather Thomson

picture of Jo

Jo Nicolls

Board Member

Joyce Pennington

picture of Laura

Laura McQuillan

photo of Louise

Louise Borrell

Board Member

Rachel Ross

Community Action Group

To help the Board of Trustees make sure that we are working in the right direction and providing the services that the D/deaf community needs we have a Community Action Group (CAG). This is our team of volunteers.

David Lennard

David Lennard

Emma Ashie-Neequaye

Emma Ashie-Neequaye

Jean Kyle

Jean Kyle



Mairhi Rautenbach

Mairhi Rautenbach


Matthew Burgess


To help make sure we’re all in the right place at the right time and we follow Charity and Company law we have a small team of paid staff.


Claire Hoggeth

Advice and Support Manager
photo of Fahmi

Fahmi Syeda

Health Access Officer
Staff Member

Heidi Jobling


Jo Fortune

BSL Information Officer
Rosie Davison

Rosie Davison

Involvement Officer (Hearing Loss)