Deaflink are happy to announce the start of the BSL Health Navigator project. We are working in partnership with the NHS trusts in Newcastle and Northumbria to try to improve the experience of BSL users when they use the hospital services.
This will mean supporting BSL users, explaining the healthcare processes and information they are given. Helping them understand the options available to them. Communicating and advocating for them to get the best healthcare possible.
We will also work with the Hospital Trusts. If required, working with the staff at the hospitals to help them better understand the needs of BSL users and working together to help remove some of the barriers and issues when they arise.
We will also be working with the hospitals to be proactive in trying to identify areas where improvements can be made. Our aim is to make sure that BSL users know what to expect when they attend a hospital and they will receive an accessible, high quality standard of healthcare across the area.