We had a few queries about this from both people new to phonak hearing aids and people who have been using their phonak hearing aids with the My Phoank App for some time and found the new update didn't work.
A Phonak representative at the July Deaflink Hearing Loss Support Group meeting explained that in most cases following the following stages and remembering to restart after each stage would fix it.
- Check that your phone has an operating system of android 10 or above
- Clear phone memory of all previous pairings and settings for Bluetooth and My Phonak APP - restart
- Connect to Bluetooth – restart
- Download new version of My Phonak APP – restart
- Pair to app - restart
if this does not work you need to contact audiology for a repair appointment to get the settings for your hearing aids checked/ saved.
If you don't understand any of this or would like help to go through the stages please get in touch with Rosie - rosie@deaflink.org.uk