All D/deaf, deafblind and Hard-of-Hearing people and their families, as well as professionals are welcome to this meeting.
It is to give D/deaf community the chance to meet, share information and knowledge. Each meeting has different interesting topic linked to Health and Wellbeing or current Deaf issues – example in past ‘how to use interpreters’, ‘health’ or ‘James Clarke the marathon runner.
All our meetings are accessible with; BSL/ English Interpreters, Speech-to-text reporter, loop system and other visual presentations with aids/pictures/photos to increase our D/deaf members’ knowledge and understanding.
We meet every 2 months on a Saturday morning in Brunswick Methodist Church Hall, Brunswick Place, Newcastle Upon Tyne, NE1 7BJ. Which is behind Fenwick’s and Waterstones in Newcastle City Centre. Don’t need to book – just come along.